sexta-feira, janeiro 07, 2005


My poor hear is dying..I can´t feel it anymore..sometimes it bleeds, sometime not..
I´m working like an idiot..during all day long..and I´m loving it..but it´s not all..

Where is my satisfaction ? How can I see that I´m doing right..when everyone is so dam busy looking to each belly´s hole (I can´t remenber the f..word..)to notice me..

Every day is a complete different day..and we are gettin distant..we are gettin really apart..not only from hugs and lover´s dreams, but as persons..If you only had we could be friends..I could have someone that knows me a lot just to call and I doing correctly ? and you by the other side of the phone..would simple smile and say..of course, my horse..and I would feel very happy..

But no..people are strange really I´m sitting at the company´s computer trying to find the will to leave..and come back matter its saturday..I don´t care..I only want not to cry..not to remember..even what I had just forgot..

At this mean time..I´m knowing a cute girl wich I like so so so much..and her smile and grace keeps my flame alive..but till then ?? What can a offer ? When can I offer ? It´s gettin´s gettin weird..and I´m gettin lost..

Let with the dogs, and cats..they love matter what..I

I miss my mother..your mother..all mothers..and my buddha..and you..all you..that once I trusted..and all you that I´ll trust..and love..every fuckin new date..because..I´m breathing so I need love..

An old..or a new..but love..even knowing that it´s gona hurt me..I don´t care anymore..and I think I need to travel far where only the mermeids can reach..or childs..or people with pure heart..and lovely imagination..

And one day I´ll thank you for all that I´m passing by..

There´s no blood in my veins blow in my smile in my face..
What can I do..if only the words that I put here or in papper..can hear me..I try to help other to feel better..but when their problems are solved..I remeber me again..

Here sitting in the top of the mountain..alone..calling your vain..again..

Let me go..please..